Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The week before the week of anticipation

First I must say that I have come to the conclusion that I am a terrible blogger!
The last blog I mentioned that I wasn't sure if the lab was going to be able to get me in for a February slot, well they did, but my IVF that cycle was canceled. I somehow managed to ovulate through all the medication that is meant to keep me from ovulating. According to my doctor only 30% of women will ovulate at all while going through an IVF cycle, but since they can't predict who falls under that 30% every women gets a shot that prevents them from ovulating. Its extremely rare for someone to then proceed to ovulate once that medication is given and I mean like a 0.021%. Can you guess which percentage I fell into?? I should receive some kind of an award for all the "that is extremely rare" or "that only happens 1 in 1000 cases" that I have found myself in since we have begun this journey to parenthood!!

So, long story short I ovulated, and cycle was canceled.

Now we are currently on IVF #2.

Every night for the last three weeks I have been taking a shot called Lupron, this medication is to slow everything down and basically keep my ovaries quite. This drug hasn't been so bad. I read about and was told that there can be a lot of not so fun side affects, but I had nothing more than a couple of headaches.
Last Saturday I also started taking my stimulating hormones along with the lupron. Seems weird I know, keep the ovaries quite while simultaneously blasting them with super "embrio miracle grow"!! But as long as I don't ovulate early I am happy. My Dr (we can call him Dr. F) has me on a much higher dosage then the last time. Oh I did forget to mention that before my ovaries decided to jump the gun, they were doing rather well on the medications. I responded really well and had close to 30 follicles that were ready to be harvested. During that cycle I was taking 3 Bravelle and 1 menopur each night. Currently I am taking 5 Bravelle and 1 menopur on one side and my lupron on the other. Its an exciting time at around 9pm at our house!!!
John has been amazing though (as usual). While he preps the 6 medication shot, I give myself the easy lupron shot and he gets the do the dirty work and give me the painful one. But it doesn't take more than 5 minutes and besides both of my sides hurting and the occasional bruising, its just become another part of our day.

As of right now, our scheduled day for the embrio retrieval is the 27th. That of course could change. Hopefully I will have an idea of its going to be sooner this Wednesday when I go back for an ultra sound.

For now that's all I have. I will try and post more often, I promise!!:):)

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