Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So, I haven't posted anything on here in over a year. What a year it has been! For now I have decided to change gears in the direction of this blog. I originally created it just as a tool to keep friends and family updated on our journey through this life. For now though, I plan to focus on a specific journey that God has asked both my husband and I to walk through. In Vitro fertilization (IVF).

What is IVF, you ask? The technical definition will sound something like this: A laboratory procedure in which sperm is placed with an unfertilized egg inside of a petri dish. If fertilization occurs the embryo is then transferred to the uterus to begin pregnancy.

My definition is that IVF is a long drawn out process, mixed with a lot of injectable hormones, oral medications, surgical needles, ultrasounds and not to mention plenty of uncomfortable situations for both my husband and I, all done in the hopes of creating a baby.

I know, takes all of the romance out of getting knocked up!:)

*********A quick warning to friends and family who happen to follow or read this. I am not an expert on IVF (yet), but I assume that some of my experiences might be graphic. So, for future reference, don't say I didn't warn you.********

Later on I might touch up on some of the experiences that we have had that have lead us to where we are now, but for now its just the current experiences.

So, where are we at in this crazy, amazing, profound and terrifying journey?
At a crossroad. Tomorrow is the day that I am supposed to start taking birth control (I know sounds counter productive to people who are wanting to create a living being, but it is the necessary place to start.). However, I spoke with my IVF Coordinator (she is my go to between my dr and I) and I found out there is a chance that my IVF will not take place until March......sigh. That will mean I don't start taking my BC pills tomorrow and everything gets pushed back an entire month. For most of you one month might not seem like a long time to wait, but for me right now it seems like an eternity. I won't find out until tomorrow what the verdict is, so for now I am simply trusting that whatever the outcome God has His hands on it and is guiding us and that His timing is what matters, not my own.

That said I am still keeping my fingers crossed for the February transfer!!:)

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