Thursday, April 28, 2011

Embryo Update day 2

I spoke with my coordinator today and she got the results from the embryologist for the amount of eggs that fertilized. We have 7 embryos that took and are hopefully having the transfer on Monday. I was a little disappointed that out of 18 eggs only 7 fertilized, but all I need is one good egg right? 7 is a good number! I know that beggers can't be choosers, but I am still hoping that enough make it to the final stage to give me good results this cycle as well as have a couple left to freeze for a future cycle. Time will tell I guess.
I love thinking about all those little babies growing and changing, even though they are sitting in a
petri dish in a lab, and most likely not all of them will make it, they are still our babies and at this moment they are conceived.
For now just praying that they divide like they are supposed to and don't have any abnormalities.

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