Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday appointment

So, I woke up at 5:30 this morning and made John and I a veggie/fruit smoothie for breakfast and then proceeded to head into the grueling rush hour traffic to get to my 7:45 doctor's appointment. That drive truly makes me thankful that I don't have to drive into town that early in the morning on a regular basis!
This appointment was my first ultra sounds since I started the stimulation meds. Everything is looking good and the "miracle grow" is working. There are about 6 or 7 follicles in the 10-11mm range and and maybe 10 other that are smaller. To give you an example of how quickly they are growing. Saturday was my baseline ultra sound, before any meds and all the follicles were under 2mm, and in two days they should be between 15-16mm. When they hit 18 we are good to go for the retrieval.

How I am feeling: Today, pretty good. I was tired after getting up so early and then heading into work, so when I got home I watched one of the Harry Potter movies and took a 2 hour nap. Over all though, today my spirits are high.
Yesterday was a different story! I was such a mess! I cried off and on all day! The radio made me cry, a movie I watched made me cry, repeatedly. I cried while I washed the dishes, I cried while explaining to John why I was crying. It was to the point that I bet the color of my curtains could have made me cry. We just got a new fish tank and its a good thing that none of my new fish died or I might have had a meltdown yesterday that just might have dragged me down into the pits of despair long enough to include a fish funeral, a fish memorial and possibly a tiny fish grave in the back yard. I think most of the tears happened because this entire process is terrifying and I am not ready to deal with the loss if something negative happens. Oh and possibly due to the fact that I am getting pumped full of hormones.
Today is a new day and I am glad for it.
Please pray that everything continues to go well as we venture into the critical part of this process. I am excited and nervous to see what this coming week will bring.


  1. HANNAH!! I LOVE reading these! You are so funny... sorry your day was so emotional yesterday, but i am sure there will be more to come! :)I am glad the miracle grow is working and we will continue to pray for this process. i heard a good quote awhile ago that i liked... it was... work as if it all depends on you and pray as if it all depends on God. You guys are doing everything you can, now we just have to rely on God and see what his plan is for you!! Love you!!

  2. Thanks Corrie!:)
    That is a great quote and thank you for sharing!! Glad you are enjoying reading these. It is definitely nice to have an outlet! Miss and love you guys!!!
