Wednesday, April 27, 2011

18 kids and counting

Ahhh relief! The hardest part is officially over!!

Today was the Embryo Retrieval. I worried about if this process was going to be painful, if I would feel anything or if I would be awake. The anesthesiologist hooked up an IV and gave me oxygen, once everyone was ready he gave me gas and wow does that stuff work fast. I was instantly sleepy. I do remember (with my eyes closed) telling my doctor I was still awake (just in-case he thought I was out already and wanted to begin poking me with the giant needle he had waiting). I feel like I was clear and enunciated well, but I am sure it sounded something more like "ima ssstole wake". The last thing I remember was listening to "moon dance" by Van Morrison while I drifted away into a deep sleep.

While I was out they inserted an ultra-sound probe with a needle and a sucking machine attached and Dr. F watched the ultra-sound screen and gently inserted the needle into each follicle and sucked out its contents. I began to wake up before they were completely done because I remember the poking feeling and it being noticeably painful. I remember saying "I can feel that" but, I'm guessing nothing came out. I came out of my sleepy state quickly and they showed me all the little eggs on the screen.
Here is an example of the procedure:

There were 21 follicles and from those follicles we have 18 little embryos being fertilized at this very moment!!!! I feel like a proud hen and a big basket of eggs, maybe I will make a good farmer one day!:) Tomorrow my coordinator will call me and tell me how many of those embryos fertilized and the next day we will have an idea of the quality. If the quality is so so the transfer will be on Saturday, If the quality is good then the transfer will be on Monday.

Here is hoping for a Monday transfer!!:):)

On a side note yesterday and today have been complete bliss! No shots! But alas, my days as a human pin cushion are not over. Tomorrow begins the progesterone shots and from what I hear they are the most painful. Progesterone is to maximize the environment inside my uterus so we give the embryos the best possible chance. If I get a positive pregnancy test then I will be taking this shot for the next 6-8 weeks.

I will update you all as soon as I know how many eggs fertilized!! Yay!!!

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