Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good (fantastic) Friday

So, I had another early Doctors appointment this morning and everything is on track. I definitely don't have as many follicles developing as I had in the last cycle, but this cycle doesn't appear to be in danger of me ovulating early. Lupron is my friend.
My left ovary has approximately 6 follicles all between 10mm-16mm. My right has 8 between 10mm-16mm with five others that are smaller than 10mm.
Below is an example of a stimulated ovary at about the range I am currently:

(This picture is from: and is not an actual picture of either of my ovaries)

So, that is what each of my ovaries look like!! It is definitely fun to watch them count and measure each follicle and I love to see how much they grow in between each visit!

My blood work today"looks beautiful" as my coordinator put it. I am not exactly sure how numbers on a page "look beautiful" but I am happy to hear none the less! :)

I have another appointment tomorrow because tomorrow night might be when I "trigger". Triggering is the term used for when I take my HCG shot. This shot tells my body that in about 37hours you need to ovulate. Just before this happens they go in and take out all the follicles.

Just to keep everyone straight on the meds Lupron is used to slow my ovaries down, keep them quite and keep them from ovulating.
Bravelle and meopur are used to supersize the amount of follicles I produce.
and HCG tells my body to start producing everything else that it suppressed so my eggs all mature the way they are supposed to.
All this under the control and watchful eye of my Doctor. I feel as though the mechanics inside my body are not my own!!!

Current Schedule: Tomorrow office visit, and possible trigger day. This means my retrieval might be Monday and if not then Tuesday. Which means implantation (if all goes well) should be Friday maybe Saturday.

How I am feeling: Crampy! I am feeling lots of pinching, tingling and cramping. I really don't like how it feels, not because its unbearable or anything, but because it feels close to how I felt when I was experiencing my ectopic pregnancies. But this too shall pass.

Well that is all for now. John and I went and saw a movie tonight and now I am tired. Oh that's another symptom....exhaustion. Everyday feels like a nap day!!
I hope everyone had a good "Good Friday" and I hope you have a Blessed Easter.

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