Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Move to Hawaii

As most of you know, John and I recently moved to Hawaii! We live on the island of Oahu and are purchasing a house about 1 mile from the ocean! John is enjoying his new job, though it is a little bit slower paced than what he is used to. I haven't even started looking for a job yet and I don't plan to until we get settled into our new home! To stay busy I have been taking some cardio kickboxing and zumba classes 4 times a week with another Military spouse and I Graduate this fall with my BA.

As far as Hawaii'n life goes, John and I try to go to a different beach every weekend and we plan on improving our surfing and snorkeling skills while we are here! The weather here is beautiful, very similar to West Palm Beach, accept the humidity doesn't kill you and when it rains its only a light sprinkle. They consider us to be in "Hurricane Season" but, they haven't had a hurricane in like 50 years!

The dogs are adjusting well to hotel living, though the maids are probably tired of the barking when they come in to clean!

Thats all for now, lets see if I can get some pictures up!